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Crowdfunder - Supporting Dacorum Citizens Advice Hertfordshire Adviceline Service - 0800 144 88 48 Click this image to get access to advice by email by completing a web form at Citizens Advice Food Support Helpline 0808 208 2138 open Monday- Friday 9-5 Consumer Helpline - 0808 223 1133 Help to claim - Universal Credit - 0800 144 8 444

Need Advice

The Citizens Advice website is kept up to date with all the latest information. Click a button below to be taken directly to that advice area.

Benefit calculators

Depending on your situation, you can use the benefit calculators provided by other organisations to check which benefits you may be entitled to. You’ll need information about savings, income, pension, childcare payments and any existing benefits (for you and your partner).

Click a button below to use a calculator.

Telephone services

We run many telephone services at both local and national level, so that services continue even when our offices are closed. The images below have the telephone number and working hours.

Emergency Food/Fuel service

Help through Hardship Helpline

0808 208 2138

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

All services are closed on public holidays

A Trussell Trust & Citizens Advice joint service

Herts Help

0300 123 4044

8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday & 10am to 6pm on week-ends
All services are closed on public holidays

Web chat & email services

The web chat is a national service supported by all local Citizens Advice offices.

The advice by email service is provided by Citizens Advice Dacorum specifically to help residents of Dacorum

In person services

We provide face to face & telephone appointments when necessary and only once the issue has been triaged via our Adviceline or Email services

Our office Locations

Hemel Hempstead

Dacorum Citizens Advice 
The Forum, Marlowes
Hemel Hempstead
Herts HP1 1DN


Dacorum Citizens Advice 
Civic Centre, 161 The High Street
Herts HP4 3HD

British Sign Language (BSL) Service:

The Hertfordshire Citizens Advice Service (HCAS) have a trained adviser who provides assistance to clients who are deaf or hard-of-hearing more information.